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Job Description: PPQG President

General Description:
The role of the president of the PPQG is to provide leadership for the guild by listening to and advising the vice president, the ways and means committee, the steering committee and PPQG committee chairs. The president is expected to support and partner with the vice president both figuratively and literally as needed. This is a leadership position – and with executive and or ways and means will involve decision making. The role of the president is to help and guide the officers and committees in fulfilling their responsibilities. The president is also responsible for helping to prepare the vice president for her duties the following year.
Specific Duties:
1. Prepare agenda, attend, chair and advise at executive committee meetings on current issues.
2. Prepare agenda, attend and lead the monthly PPQG business meetings and special events during the year.
3. Attend and advise the ways and means committee.
4. Serve as PPQG affiliate – liaison with the GAC director. Be prepared to sign and negotiate any agreements with GAC.

5. Provide check signature with treasurer.

6. Pick up the PPQG mail on a regular basis at the Dolphin Gallery and GAC and make appropriate announcements or distribute the information to appropriate committee chairs or to the guild greetings person for display on the welcome/sign-in table.

7. Chair nominating committee for next term.
8. Provide job descriptions to new officers and committee chairs.

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Job Description: PPQG Vice President

General Description:
The role of the vice president of the PPQG is to listen to and advise the president, the ways and means committee and the executive committee. The vice
president is expected to support and partner with the president, both figuratively and
literally, as needed. This is a training position to help prepare for the responsibilities of the presidency in the following year.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and advise at the executive committee meetings on current issues.
2. Chair the ways and means committee; arrange for taking and distribution of minutes.
3. Conduct the guild meetings – executive and general business--in the absence of the president.
4. Work with president and treasurer to arrange bi-annual audits of all accounts.

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Job Description: PPQG Treasurer

General Description:
The role of the treasure of the PPQG is to manage all guild accounts and to create and provide the financial reports required by the guild. This position advises and reports to the president. The treasurer also advises the vice president, the ways and means and the executive committee.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend, report and advise at the executive committee meetings on current issues.
2. Attend, report and advise the ways and means committee.
3. Attend and report at the monthly PPQG business meetings.
4. Serve as a PPQG affiliate – liaison with the GAC director. With the president, be prepared to sign and negotiate any agreements with GAC.
5. Provide the monthly financial report to the president and the GAC.
6. Provide the year-end report to the president and the GAC.
7. Issue and sign, with the president, the checks to cover qualified (approved)
expenses at least once a month.
8. Identify and monitor the accounting line items that affect the balance in the reserve fund.
9. Establish workshop fees.
10. Establish the annual budget and present to the ways and means committee, executive committee and president.
11. Provide the monthly actual vs budget report each month.

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12. Prepare for biannual audits.
13. In the event that the treasurer cannot attend a meeting, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary duties and will notify the president.

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PPQG Accounting Procedures – Effective 11/2009

Requests for checks should be submitted in writing or via email with supporting documentation (receipts, etc.) to the PPQG treasurer.
Checks and cash to be deposited should be submitted to the treasurer for depositing in the PPQG account.
The PPQG treasurer will submit monthly bank reconciliation and income and expense journals to Gualala Arts for inclusion in their accounting records. The treasurer will submit copies of said documents to the executive committee members.
Annually, the treasurer will produce and distribute a statement of income and expense and statement of comparison of actual to budget to all executive committee members and to any PPQG members who request them.
Biannually the treasurer will prepare for an audit.

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Job Description: PPQG Secretary

General Description:
The role of the secretary of the PPQG is to record events at guild meetings for documentation purposes as required by the by-laws of the guild.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and record the minutes of the monthly business meetings.
2. Attend and record the minutes of the executive committee meetings.
3. Email or mail a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the executive committee.
4. Provide a copy of monthly business meeting minutes to the web master for publication on the PPQG website.
5. In the event that the secretary cannot attend a meeting, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary duties and will notify the president.

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Job Description: Ways & Means Committee

General Description:
The role of the ways and means committee is to review the financial affairs of the PPQG with regard to its reserve fund and to the general financial health of the guild. They will make recommendations to executive committee, as appropriate. The committee shall be comprised of:
• Vice president – who will chair the committee and arrange for taking and distribution of minutes
• Current president
• Treasurer
• Program committee chair
• Three immediate past presidents
Specific Duties:

1. Report directly to the executive committee.

2. Research and identify fund-raising opportunities to maintain and/or increase the Reserve Fund and the general financial health of the guild.

3. Identify and monitor the accounting line items that affect the balance of the contingency fund and the general financial health of the guild. Make recommendations or proposals to the executive committee for the effective management of the reserve fund and the general financial health of the guild.

4. Ascertain the appropriate fund balance required for the annual

PPQG budget each year.

5. Consider requests for major expenditures of funds and report recommendations to the executive committee.

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Job Description: PPQG Program Committee

General Description:
The role of the program committee is to provide, plan, organize and supervise programs presented for the benefit of the guild members. This committee is responsible for presenting speakers/programs for the monthly guild meetings (except August and December) and workshops periodically through out the year. The committee chair
keeps a record of instructors/lecturers to pass on to future committee chairs.
Specific Duties :
The committee includes members in the following functions

6. Chairperson

• Heads the committee and is responsible for coordinating its activities.
• Represents the committee on the ways and means and executive committees.
• Reports to the president and to the executive committee.
• Chairs committee meetings as required to insure
• Attends and provides reports at the monthly guild meetings.
• Coordinates with the communications person(s) to advertise
scheduled programs.
• Insures that the committee functions smoothly.
• Makes arrangements for speakers, instructors and
workshops for the coming year – including scheduling of and
contracting instructors.
• Secures GAC director signature on all contracts.
• Facilitates and manages these contracts for that year.
• Retains original signed contracts and provides copies to the
guild treasurer and to GAC.
• Provides assistance to the associate program coordinator.
• Functions as a contact person for lecturers/instructors s/he
has contracted.
• Updates events on the PPQG calendar, coordinated with the
GAC calendar.
• In the event that the Program Chairperson cannot attend a meeting, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary duties and will notify the president.

7. Assistant Program Chairperson

• Secures future speakers and programs two or more years in the future.
• Secures GAC Director signature on all contracts.

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• Trains to rotate into committee chairperson position.
• Facilitates and maintains the contracts for the following year.
• Functions as a contact person for lecturers/instructors.

8. Program Hospitality Chairperson

• Works with GAC to set up room for workshops and programs.
• Arranges accommodations and, if necessary, transportation from/to the airport for instructors.
• Coordinates meals for instructors when necessary.
• Makes sure all guild programs are scheduled on the GAC
master calendar.

9. Continuing Education Chairperson

• Arranges member-led skills classes.
• Arranges class schedules with GAC.

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Job Description: PPQG Art in the Redwoods Quilt Chair

General Description:
The role of the Art in the Redwoods quilt chair(s) is to provide a queen size quilt for the Art in the Redwoods Festival held each August to benefit the Gualala Arts Center.
The chair(s) and their committee make all decisions as to design and creation of the quilt
The cost of all materials to make or complete the quilt is reimbursed by the guild.
Receipts should accompany a request to the treasurer for reimbursement. The committee has a fixed budget each year, which is determined by the ways and means committee, and monitored by the treasurer.
The quilt is finished by June of each year and is displayed at the Art Center and other locations.
General Description:
1. Attend and report the progress of the quilt at monthly business meetings.
2. Write at least one short article for the newsletter discussing the quilt and its progress.
3. In the event the AIR chairperson cannot attend a meeting, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary duties and will notify the president.

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Job Description: Challenge Show Chairperson

General Description:
The role of the challenge show chairperson is to organize and manage the annual guild challenge show, which is held at GAC. The chairperson(s) generally
selects a support committee. The chairperson(s) is solely responsible for selecting the
challenge theme each year.
Specific Duties:
1. Sign exhibit contract with GAC – determining show specifics.
2. Insure that docents are available when needed.
3. Attend and make reports to the guild’s monthly meetings. In the event that the chairperson cannot attend a meeting, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary duties, and will notify the president.
4. Select the theme for the year and communicate to the guild members at meetings, in the newsletter and on the web site.
5. Consult with the GAC exhibit committee to organize the challenge show set-up, the hanging of quilts, and the take-down and pick-up of quilts.
6. Organize the opening reception, including décor, food and beverages.
7. Publicize the challenge show in the local newspapers, guild newsletter and any other appropriate venues. Write any articles needed for the guild newsletter communicating entry information. Coordinate all publicity with GAC public relations.
8. Insure that posters/flyers are available – at least one poster should be submitted to GAC for its board.
9. Coordinate with the GAC exhibit committee regarding the creation of exhibit labels.
10. Create and provide comment forms for public feedback. The results will be provided to the challenge participants.

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Job Description: Greeter and Name Tag Raffle Committee Chair

General Description:
The Committee consists of at least three members, one of whom functions as committee chairperson. The function of the greeter is to officially welcome members and guests as they arrive at the monthly guild meetings
Specific Duties:
1. Attend all monthly guild meetings. In the event the chairperson cannot attend a meeting, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary
duties and will notify the president.
2. Set up the Welcome Table by 12:15. Monitor the sign-in book and display any announcement flyers or information for member pick-up.
3. Dispense a raffle ticket to each member wearing her/his quilted nametag and announce the raffle winner at the meeting.
4. Collect $5.00 guest fees at monthly meetings. Use this money to maintain and replenish the raffle prize basket.

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Job Description: PPQG Historian/Archivist

General Description:
The role of the historian/archivist of the PPQG is to collect, organize and manage the guild’s historic artifacts and to secure their storage. The historian/archivist may appoint a committee to assist with special projects.
Specific Duties:
1. Collect any reports, photographs, or electronic entries important to guild history.
2. Provide a storage or display system as needed. Costs for materials will
be reimbursed by the guild with prior discussion with ways and means and approval of executive committee.
3. Write any necessary articles for the guild newsletter or the local newspaper communicating memorable or historic information.

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Job Description: Hospitality Committee

General Description:
The role of the hospitality committee is to provide refreshments for the guild members and guests at the monthly guild meetings. They may also be called upon to provide lunches/refreshments for comfort quilt and quilt of valor workshops, as needed.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports needed at the monthly guild meetings.
2. Set up refreshment table by 12:15. Clean up after meetings where refreshments are served. Training will be provided for the use of the GAC dishwasher.
3. Solicit food refreshments for monthly meetings. Remind volunteers prior to the meeting.
4. Provide any hospitality receipts to the treasurer for reimbursement.

Hospitality Procedures

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Job Description: Membership Chairperson

General Description:
The role of the membership chairperson is to collect dues and to manage and organize the guild’s membership information on an electronic spreadsheet, coordinating with the web master.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports needed at the monthly guild and executive committee meetings.
2. Receive dues from guild members.
3. Have new members complete a membership application. Provide membership card to all new members upon payment of dues. Monitor and update resource sheet. Provide resource sheet to all new members.
4. Provide member information to the web master for guild mailing list.
5. Give membership checks to the guild treasurer.
6. Publicize annual dues drive in the guild newsletter and at monthly guild meetings.
7. Send one email or postcard to guild members who have not paid their
dues by March 1, notifying them of the dues deadline (March meeting) and that unpaid members will be dropped from membership.

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Job Description: Special Events Coordinator

General Description:
The role of the special events coordinator is to oversee the development, organization and management of the guild’s special events. These special events
include the annual retreat, the summer picnic, and the holiday luncheon. The
coordinator will provide the dates chosen for these events to be included on the guild and Gualala Arts Center calendars. The coordinator will work with the publicity chairperson to provide information about these events in the guild newsletter, on the
web site and in local papers as needed. The coordinator may seek a chairperson and a support committee as needed for individual events.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports as needed to the guild’s monthly meetings.
2. Coordinate events with the guild calendar and the Gualala Arts Center calendar.
3. Request necessary funding from ways and means committee prior to any expenditures. Provide receipts for approved expenditures to the treasurer.
4. Work with the publicity chair to write articles for the guild newsletter communicating information about up-coming special events.
5. Attend executive committee meetings.

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Job Description: Community Outreach Coordinator

(formerly Special Programs)

General Description:
Programs include Festival of Trees, Art in the Redwoods quilt, guild challenge, comfort quilts, and quilts of valor.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports needed at the monthly guild meetings.
2. Represent the individual chairs of Community Outreach events on the executive committee.
3. Support the individual chairs in the performance of their duties.
4. Identify needs within the community or neighboring areas where comfort quilts, or quilting supplies may be needed.
5. Coordinate with Publicity as needed.

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Job Description: Comfort Quilt Committee

General Description:
The role of the comfort quilt committee is to promote the making of comfort quilts by guild members. The comfort quilts are donated to local community members in situational crisis. The quilts are given to individuals at the discretion of the committee members (more than 1).
Specific Duties:
1. Privacy is of utmost concern and such personal matters such as who is a recipient shall be held with absolute confidentiality unless permission is given.
2. The committee members will confer with each other and maintain a private record so that there is no duplication of who receives a quilt.
3. When the comfort quilt is received by the guild, the Guild member will receive a similar sized batting as the only reimbursement.*
4. Work with members of other committees (Valor Quilt, FOT, or AIR) to coordinate any workshops. Notify Hospitality Committee if lunch or treats are needed for workshop days.
5. Work with Publicity (or Guild Newsletter editor) to write articles advertising workshops for the Guild Newsletter and local newspaper.
6. The comfort quilt members will work with the Community Outreach Coordinator to provide quilts for neighbors in areas experiencing a natural disaster.
7. Committee members are responsible for making the "fanny basket" materials available at all Guild meetings..
8. Provide an accounting of the number of quilts donated to Community Outreach Coordinator yearly so it can be presented to the Executive Committee.

*Reimbursement for batting is only authorized for Guild approved projects such as Comfort quilts and Valor quilts.

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Job Description: Comfort Quilt Chairperson

General Description:
The role of the comfort quilt chairperson is to organize and promote the making of comfort quilts by guild members. These quilts are donated to local charitable or social service organizations for distribution to their clients or beneficiaries. The quilts are also given to individuals at the discretion of the committee.
Specific Duties:
1. Provide necessary reports at guild’s monthly meetings.
2. Develop, calendar, budget and coordinate any comfort quilt workshops.
3. Work with the chairpersons of events such as quilts of valor and festival of trees to coordinate any workshops.
4. Secure and provide materials through guild member donations, business donations or guild funding to be used in the creation of comfort quilts.
5. Work with the publicity chairperson to write articles advertising workshops for the guild newsletter and local newspaper.
6. Provide an accounting of the number of quilts donated and a record of the recipient organizations to the executive committee and the general membership.
*Please note
• “Comfort quilts” are defined as quilts created by guild members for distribution to approved local charitable or service organizations. Quilts that are created by guild members to honor or benefit a specific individual do not fall under this category and are not eligible for reimbursement for materials.
• Reimbursement for materials is only authorized for guild-approved projects such as comfort quilts or quilts of valor.

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Job Description: Media Committee

General Description:
The role of the media committee is to coordinate and facilitate communication within the PPQG for the benefit of the guild members and to provide information to the public regarding guild events. This insures that members have access to guild news, events and programs and that the public is informed of guild activities and events.
The media committee consists of:
1. Librarian
2. Web master
3. Newsletter
4. Publicity
5. Photographer

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Job Description: Librarian

General Description:
The role of the guild librarian is to manage and organize the guild library, which is located in the Gualala Arts Center. This library is for the use and enjoyment of guild
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports needed at the monthly guild meetings
2. Make purchases and receive donations of any books or media pertaining to quilting and ascertain if they should be included in the library or offered for sale or “give-away” at guild meetings. Process and complete forms for Gualala Arts Center librarian. Publicize the library and new books in the guild newsletter.
3. Manage the library and book checkout system.
4. Up-date the Excel library list on the web site in coordination with the web master.
5. Periodically determine which library materials need to be culled from the collection. Provide for the sale/auction of those materials. Proceeds from sales will supplement the library fund.
6. Attend Gualala Arts library meetings whenever possible.

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Job Description: Electronic Communications (Web Master)

General Description:
The role of the web master is to manage the guild’s web site. This person is a standing member of the communications committee.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports needed at the guild monthly meetings.
2. Post minutes of meetings, information and updates on the website.
3. Edit and revise website as necessary.
4. Notify guild members via email of web updates.
5. Post guild newsletter as received from the newsletter chair(s).
6. Generate address labels for newsletter mailing as requested by the newsletter chair(s).
7. Maintain confidential PPQG email distribution list and forward information to the membership as requested.
8. Update membership roster on the website – as received from the membership chair. Email new members to verify their preferences regarding the publication of personal information.

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Job Description: Newsletter (includes mailing committee and graphics)

General Description:
The role of the newsletter chairperson is to manage the creation of the guild’s monthly newsletter, hard copy for mailing, and electronic copy for the website. The
chairperson will have a mailing committee to assist with the distribution of hard copy
Specific Duties:
1. Attend and make any reports needed to the guild’s monthly meetings.
2. Receive newsletter items in email format from appropriate guild members each month.
3. Edit, organize and format the monthly newsletter to “print ready”
specifications for both hard copy and electronic copy.
4. Deliver the newsletter with a job request form to GAC office one week prior to mailing date.
Mailing Committee
1. The mailing committee will coordinate with the web master to order mailing labels.
2. The mailing committee will be responsible for preparation and mailing of hard copy newsletter. Each April the mailing committee will print copies of the new membership roster to be included in the newsletter for those who do not receive it electronically.
3. Receipts for any expenditure will be presented to the guild treasurer for reimbursement.

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Job Description: Publicity

General Description:
The role of the publicity chair is to provide publicity to members and the public about quilt guild activities.
Specific Duties:
1. Provide publicity for programs, workshops, monthly meetings and other guild events to the guild newsletter, local newspaper, GAC Sketches, and local radio.
2. Coordinate with GAC publicity.
3. Work with Challenge Committee to provide appropriate publicity.

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Job Description: Photographer

General Description:
The photographer attends guild functions, takes photographs of events, and distributes them as needed. In the event that the photographer cannot attend a meeting or event, s/he will designate someone to fulfill the necessary duties, and will notify the president.

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