Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Bits & Pieces

February 2004 -- Volume 9, Issue 2
Jeri Taylor, Editor


Comfort Quilt Workshop

February 20



            This month we’ll have another opportunity to create Comfort Quilts.  Our stash has diminished after Christmas donations, and although quilts are coming in from the November workshop, we need many more.

            Come join us to do “the best thing we do.”  There will be fabric available from the fanny basket, or bring your own.  Bring a sack lunch for our midday break.  There will be a business meeting at approximately 1:00.

            Let’s make this the most productive comfort quilt workshop ever!




By Jeri Taylor


            The kickoff lecture in our “year of inspiration” series was presented by Barbara Shapiro, an award-winning weaver and textile artist.  Barbara has shown internationally and has been plying her art for over thirty years.

            Her journey was, she admits, an unlikely one.  Her studies in school were academic and intellectual (degrees in Comparative Literature and French); she had not consciously developed her artistic side.  But she was raised in a home where the family ate dinner each night on beautiful embroidered table cloths.  Her father was in the Army Air Corps and saved maps made of silk from his tenure in WWII.  Images like these imprinted on her, and when she took her first weaving class at the Brooklyn YMCA she knew she had found her calling.

            Barbara finds herself inspired by pieces from antiquity:  antique kimonos, clothing of Plains Indians, hunters’ shirts from Mali.  Her unique designs pay loving homage to these old pieces.

            After 9/11 she moved into a new phase of her art which she calls “Mantles and Scrolls.”  They represent, she says, the search for stability and solace in a fractured world.




                Since this is my last President's address to the guild, I would like to review happenings in 2003.  We had some great workshops. My thanks go to the Programs Committee, Iris Lorenz-Fife, Laurie Mueller,  and Carol Tackett, for all their planning and scheduling, and last year's committee for arranging for most of this year's classes.

            We negotiated an affiliate's agreement with Gualala Arts Center that allows favorable rates for workshops and a workable non-profit status.  Thanks to the Ways and Means Committee, Donna Blum, Kathye Hitt, Lynne Atkins, Miriam Littlejohn, and Jeri Taylor for their work on the agreement and the financial policy and procedures that resulted.

            We achieved growth in Guild membership to over one hundred members and are attracting new members  from as far away as Sebastapol, Livermore, Fort Bragg and New Mexico!

            Finally, I would like to thank the 2003 Steering Committee and all the new 2004 officers for volunteering their time and energy to help make our guild a great place to learn the art of quilting and to work in giving to our community. 


                                                                                                                                                Linda Warnock





            We had a great response to our request for membership renewals at the January meeting — now we’re asking the rest of you to follow suit.  The price ($35.00) is a small one for all the benefits the Guild provides you:  great programs, great classes, great library resources, Bits & Pieces newsletter and last, but not least, the opportunity to get together with fellow “fabriholics.”  Send your check made out to PPQG to Pam Wilson, P.O. Box 53, The Sea Ranch, CA 95497.  We have a great year planned for you!




            2004 is the “Year of Inspiration.”  Lectures and workshops have been planned with this theme in mind and will surely prove inspirational for all of you!


March 19:  Suzan Friedland will lecture on “Patterns Pending:  The Art Quilt.”


April 15:  Iris Lorenz-Fife will teach a workshop, “No-Math Drafting.“


April 16:  Mary Austin will lecture on “Japan: Culture Through Textiles.”


May 22:  Annie Beckett will teach a one-day workshop on the Ives Color System.


June 15-17:  Melody Johnson will teach the “Fine Art of Fusing.”






            Anita Kaplan will teach “Fuse It or Lose It” a second time on Wednesday, March 3rd from 9:30 to 4:00.  The cost is $25.00.  It is the same class that was taught in January, and will introduce you to the basic methods of fusing and the creative power of Wonder Under ™.  It will also prepare you for Melody Johnson’s class in June.  It is easy and exciting to learn how quickly an art quilt can be put together!  No sewing machine required.  Sign up at Gualala Arts and receive the supply list (or get it on the web site).  Come “bond” with Anita.

            (Editor’s Note: Those who took the class in January will testify that it was one of the most enjoyable classes ever!  Everyone felt it was not only lots of fun, but extremely valuable.  We found our “inner child” playing with elements of design and cutting out interesting shapes — kind of like paper dolls!  We learned three methods of fusing and then did a “surprise” project that was fascinating. So sign up quickly; class size is limited and you won’t want to miss out.)

            Anita will also teach Beginning Machine Quilting on February 11 and 18, 8:30 to 2:30.  The cost is $50.00 for the two days.  Sign up at Gualala Arts and receive the supply list.  You’ll learn about needles and batting, notions and binding, ditching and stippling.  This class covers it all, the basic supplies and equipment, straight line quilting, free motion quilting, and all aspects of finishing your quilt.  For beginners and those who want to brush up on machine quilting skills while picking up new pointers.  Lots of time to practice. Sewing machine with walking and darning feet required.





by Ann Graf


            In mid-February, we will be shelving two Kitty Pippins books, Quilting with Japanese Fabrics and Asian Elegance: Quilting with Japanese Fabrics and More.  We’ll also have a popular new book, Ricky Tims’ Convergence Quilts:  Mysterious, Magical, Easy, and Fun.

            We may also have Velda Newman’s new book — if not this month, then next.  Plan to enjoy these great additions to the library!  



             NEW  MEMBERS


            We have four new members — that is, those who have not been part of the group before this.

            Molly Buckley, 785-3205 (also 510-444-5149), 1021 Hubert Rd., Oakland, CA 94610, Nov. 11,

            Catherine Koemptgen, 785-2210 (also 218-726-1444), 4040 Minnesota Ave., Duluth MN 55802, Dec. 4.

            Harmony Susalla, 884-3347, P.O. Box 892, Gualala, 95445,

            Janet Windsor, 513-772-8053, 9753 Beech Dr., Cincinnati OH 45231,


            Carol Drucker has a new email address:




Sharon Albert             9

Polly Dakin                 9

Jolley Thomas           12

Dee Goodrich           18

Judith Bianchi           19

Mary E. Long            22





Interesting and Intriguing Information

For Guild Members


March 13-14—Voices in Cloth 2004, Oakland Convention Center.  Extraordinary quilt show presented by East Bay Heritage Quilters.  $8.00.  (510) 233-6771 or


March 26-27—Mary Ellen Hopkins Verbal Workshop and Trunk Show,  California Maritime Academy, Vallejo.  Friday 7 pm—9 pm, $25.  Saturday 9 am—4 pm, $60.  Advance tickets only.  Further information, Betty Jack, 1826 Vervais Ave., Vallejo, 94591.


May 9-14—Quilters’ Escape, Fortuna.  Four days of hands on study with a national teacher of your choice:  Jane Sassaman, Judy Severson, Dixie McBride, Cynthia England, and Janet Jones Worley.  Fee of $495 includes meals, teacher workshops, lectures, and all special activities.  (707) 442-0081 or


Art Quilt Tahoe, Lake Tahoe.  Six days in beautiful surroundings with nationally famous art quilt teachers.  Two sessions:  Nov. 7—12 and Nov. 12—17.  Fee of $1,250 includes workshops, conference fees, meals and lodging at the world class Hyatt Tahoe.  (530) 887-0600 or





            “Art begins with resistance — at the point where resistance is overcome.  No human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor.”   Andre Gide