Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Bits & Pieces

August 2004 -- Volume 9, Issue 9
Jackie Gardener, Editor


PPQG Retreat Update

       We have 20 members signed up so far to attend the first ever All Guild Retreat at the beautiful Marconi Center in Tomales Bay!

       I would like to continue to encourage others to join the group. There is no minimum or maximum as far as attendees goes but there is a minimum number of rooms that we have to book. That minimum is 10 rooms. As of August 23rd we have 11 + rooms reserved. (We need a roommate for a double). Because of the favorable response I booked the reservation at the end of August. I will however, be able to accept future reservations through October. It is not too late to join in the fun.

       Details…Arrival: 3 p.m. Monday, January 31, 2005. Departure: After lunch Thursday, February 3rd, Cost for lodging, all meals, and workspace: $250.92 per person in a triple, $346.62 pp in a double, or $557.82 pp in a single room.

       Reason: Who needs one! Bring your sewing machine (or not) & a project you yearn to work on. Be creative at any hour. Have fun.

        If you have made a verbal commitment to Bette now is the time to send your check for one night’s lodging to her.

       So if you are in the mood to really get some work done while receiving the princess treatment, please consider joining your quilting friends. If you know someone who has been out of town that might be interested, please let her know about this event.

       For reservations, call or email Bette at 785-2718, If you have retreat questions call or email Anita, 785-3671,


Membership News

Sydney McDonald, PO Box 318, TSR 95497, phone  785-2518, birthday May 26th, and email And Gail Sims’ email has changed to


That brings our membership up to 107! Wowee!


And this from Connie Seale:

We have moved... Would you please change my address to 1147 Souza Way, Folsom, CA  95630.  Our phone is 916.396.9113.  My email is the same.  We love being in Folsom...if you can imagine, we even had Chinese delivered!  Now having said that, we surely miss TSR and all our friends there.  Wishing you well.  C-



Velda Newman

A Painter’s Approach to Quilt Design

Friday, September 17th at 12:30pm


 Through slides and quilts Newman will show how she started, how she now works, and share what she has learned and what obstacles she has encountered through a 20-plus year creative journey.  Newman intends to encourage by example — to leave her audience inspired and feeling that they, too, can accomplish their dreams.


       Velda is an internationally recognized contemporary quilt artist, author and lecturer from Northern California known for her large scale, mostly organic designs. Velda creates original quilts of exceptional beauty and craftsmanship. If you’d like a preview of Velda’s work, check out her website:



Velda Newman Workshop 

Saturday & Sunday September 18-19

       Due to cancellations, there are still two places left for this Workshop, “Layers: Form and Texture” to be held Saturday/Sunday, September 18-19, 2004 from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM


       Enjoy exploring design units with texture and form.Then add color with paint and colored pencil. Finally, assemble a fabulous collage. Velda promisesthat working in the collage style easy and liberating.  Let your imagination run wild!



Beginners’ Piecing Class

A seven part Beginners’ Piecing Class will be offered through Gualala Arts starting September 8th. This is all you need to know to learn the wonderful art of quilting. It will be taught by experienced members of the Guild including Mary Austin, Bev Sloane, Janet Sears & Anita Kaplan. Send your newbie friends to us and we will turn them into quilters. Call G.A. at 884-1138 to sign up. The class fee of $85 is donated to the Guild’s comfort quilts program.



Events of Interest


Taft Winery in Sebastopol will be displaying quilts, including some from guild members Carlene Keller, Judy Bianchi & Anita Kaplan, for the month of September. There will be a reception for the artists on Sunday, Sept. 19. Please stop by. Call the Winery for times, 823-2049.


Cynthia Chilton sent along this cute note:

“Oh well....maybe I should admit to being married in Verona!?  Just a oneliner maybe... June 24, Verona, Italy..Harlond Hauck...witnesses: Holly

Steil & Bill Apton.This was the town where Gary did little theater for 3 years, so it was special to us...” I hope it was special in many other ways, too! Congratulations & great happiness to Cynthia and Harlond.


Our own Mona Innes will be participating in the Studio Tour featuring her wonderful assemblage on copper pieces and fiber jewelry. If you haven’t seen them, stop by to oooh and ahhh!


BULLETIN:  A sneak preview of next year’s workshops will be announced at this month’s guild meeting.


Moonlight Quilters of Sonoma County newsletter will be be available on their website. The September issue is now available at:



2005 Quilt Challenge

The theme for 2005 Quilt Challenge will be announced at the September Guild meeting. Jeri Taylor & Anita Kaplan are organizing this event and, as always, have kept the theme a tight secret. Come to the meeting and be among the first to know. Flyers will be distributed with the details. See you in September.


President’s Block


Dear Pacific Piecemaker Quilt Guild Members:


       For the 2003 guild president’s quilt block, I have chosen the Ohio Star block.  This was one of the first blocks I made and so I used the instructions  from my notes provided in the class taught by another past president, Gayle Stewart.  However, any Ohio star, unfinished, 9- 1/2 inches, using the colors described below, will work.

       I would like the star material to be small-scale plaids, stripes or circles in dark or medium blues, rusts, gold/yellow/brown or black.

       The background should be light creamy, reading solid.  I have some packets with background material if you wish to use them.

       I anticipate a good general deadline would be November, so that I can play with what I have on my new studio design walls over the holidays.

       If you have any questions, please call me at 785-3668, or e-mail, Thank you in advance for your contribution.  It was my pleasure to serve as your president last year.


                                   Sincerely, Linda Warnock



Hear Ye!  Progressives Out There!

Please bring your progressive quilt top to the September meeting for our second switcheroo. Any problems or questions, call Ellen Soule.




September Birthdays


Lenore Sollom        1st

Janet Sears           2nd

Gail Sims               15th

Cynthia Daniels      19th

Maureen Healy       19th

Cynthia Chilton       20th

Laura Hamilton       21st

Claire McPherson   21st

Virginia Trautman   22nd

Christine Francis     24th